Occupy Delmarva | Facebook
Occupy Delmarva | Facebook
Web Page
Facebook Community
Item Type
Web Page
Abstract Note
This Page is dedicated to keeping Everyone informed about the ongoings of the Occupy Movement as well, in particular, about upcoming events and important notices within the Overall Delmarva Region. We Are One, We Are Whole, We Are the 99%. Unite or Die!
We are the 99% We have been robbed of our houses, we have been robbed of our wealth, we have been mistreated, bullied, intimidated, pushed-around. We have been misinformed by our media, we have been mis-represented by our politicians. We are the 99%
We are the 99% We have been robbed of our houses, we have been robbed of our wealth, we have been mistreated, bullied, intimidated, pushed-around. We have been misinformed by our media, we have been mis-represented by our politicians. We are the 99%
Access Date
2011-10-26 20:59:01
Occupy Delmarva | Facebook
Website Type
Facebook Community
Attachment Title
Occupy Delmarva | Facebook
Attachment URL
“Occupy Delmarva | Facebook,” Occupy Archive, accessed March 12, 2025, https://occupyarchive.org/items/show/1299.