#OFM | The State of the Occupation | Occupy Fort Myers


#OFM | The State of the Occupation | Occupy Fort Myers




Copyright © 2011 Occupy Fort Myers All Rights Reserved.




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Just wanted to say THANK YOU to all of our supporters and give everyone an update regarding what happened last night. As many of you know, $130 citations were given out to those who did not wish to leave Centennial. This egregious assault of our Right to Assemble will, of course, be fought in a court of law. However a bit of good news was found out by our lawyer and it seems there is a way that we might get an injunction allowing us to reoccupy Centennial. Cross your fingers! This isn’t, of course, set in stone (as everything is up in the air right now due in no small part to City officials making themselves largely unavailable — imagine that! glad this is what we pay them for!) and we very well might wind up moving locations. As for now, we are still at Centennial. You are encouraged to stop by and show your support. We will, of course, keep you posted here and on Facebook as soon as we know what is going on.

I also wanted to be clear that SATURDAY IS STILL ON! More so now than ever! We encourage you to bring as many people as you can on Saturday. Shake the walls with your voice and let them know who they are dealing with. Maybe we can break 1,000 people this Saturday? Please, bring friends and family! :-)

Again, thank you ALL for your continued support. There is no way any of this could have been accomplished without the hard work and support of people like you.  Know that your support has not gone in vain, and that we live to fight another day.

We are far from finished, this fight has only just begun.


Update – 10/21/11 – 10:20PM: General consensus from tonight’s GA is that everyone wants to march, so march we will. We are going to hold a quick 20-minute GA about destinations beforehand. Also, our lawyer is ready to file a civil suit on Monday morning. We are currently working on “legal” re-occupation and have also lined up a possible alternative. In addition, we have some speakers lined up from various national and state groups for a future GA. More details to follow.


Update – 10/22/11 – 9:40AM: Guest speakers today are to include someone from the NAACP and someone from the local teacher’s union.

Access Date

2011-11-17 19:04:35






Copyright © 2011 Occupy Fort Myers All Rights Reserved.


#OFM | The State of the Occupation | Occupy Fort Myers



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Occupy Fort Myers

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#OFM | The State of the Occupation | Occupy Fort Myers

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“#OFM | The State of the Occupation | Occupy Fort Myers,” Occupy Archive, accessed March 29, 2025, https://occupyarchive.org/items/show/2143.