#OFM | Questions questions questions… | Occupy Fort Myers


#OFM | Questions questions questions… | Occupy Fort Myers






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I have been spending a lot of time at the local occupation here in beautiful Fort Myers, Florida.  The list of wonderful people and experiences this movement has brought me in touch with is certainly a subject for another post.  One of the major themes of I have encountered while volunteering at the infobooth has been… “What is this all about?” 

Many people are confused about the many messages and themes coming from the occupations (especially those who have relied on traditional “mainstream” media outlets). 

Their confusion is not only understandable.  I believe it is justified. 

I was given what I believe to be a good standard answer to people who ask this most basic, yet difficult, question.  When approached with this question I have used the following response with great success in explaining the purpose and scope of this, at least, local occupation.

*standard disclaimer: This is my opinion and I do not speak for the group.

Person:”So what is this all about?”

Me:”Can I have 1 minute to answer your question, and will you help me in illustrating the answer?”


Me:”Do you think our ‘system’ is perfect and flawless?”


Me:”Can you give me one example of something (anything) you’d like to see changed in the world today?”

(*insert whatever answer here:) Person:”Well I’d like to see corporate money’s influence out of our political process.”

Me:”That’s what this is about.”

Person:”Really? You guys are down here for that exact reason?”

Me:”Some people are, but the point is this movement provides a forum and process where people can come to share ideas about what they’d like to see changed in their world.  Anyone can bring anything up for discussion and propose an idea to the group.  Usually proposals are tweaked and reworked by the group, so that everyone is happy with the semantics and then, by vote, the idea can become representative of the group when it passes the General Assembly by 100% consensus.”

Person:”So how does everyone agree?”

Me:”By sharing, talking, and voting… Like most of us learned in grade school.”

Person:”Isn’t that impossible?”

Me:”Difficult, at times, yes, but not impossible.”

     Usually this leads to a conversation about how this is a movement of by and for the People and the questioner can feel empowered and involved in something bigger than themselves… Imagine that.


Anyway, here’s some links for anyone who has a couple of days to spend clicking and reading.

My intention today is not to answer that question for you.  I intend to challenge you to look at some points of view you may not have heard before.  This is simply a list of sources that I have found valueable in my own search for “What this is about.”  Because, in the end, it is really up to you to decide.

*Ugh, another disclaimer: The following links come from and lead to a place called the internet.  Their contain opinions as well as facts.  Anything claimed as fact should be sourced thouroughly.  All content is the property of the original author, and does not necessarily reflect the ideas of anyone other than said author(s) / owner(s).  Sorry for any redundancies… I am flawed.  This is not an attempt at unbiased journalism of any kind, and my intent is to spark conversation rather than demonize anyone or anything.

Abstract Note

I have been spending a lot of time at the local occupation here in beautiful Fort Myers, Florida. The list of wonderful people and experiences this movement has brought me in touch with is certainly a subject for another post. One of the major themes of I have encountered while volunteering at the infobooth has been… “What is this all about?”

Access Date

2011-11-17 19:00:40






Copyright © 2011 Occupy Fort Myers All Rights Reserved.


#OFM | Questions questions questions… | Occupy Fort Myers



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Occupy Fort Myers

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#OFM | Questions questions questions… | Occupy Fort Myers

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InformedCitizenry, “#OFM | Questions questions questions… | Occupy Fort Myers,” Occupy Archive, accessed March 31, 2025, https://occupyarchive.org/items/show/2145.