A Statement (in Progress) « Occupy Hamilton


A Statement (in Progress) « Occupy Hamilton






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Web Page


Working document: Occupy Hamilton

Occupy Hamilton stands in solidarity with the Occupy movement that began in New York City on September 17 2011, inspired by the Arab Spring and other peaceful protests.

We seek to call for greater morality, responsibility and accountability into our corporate, economic and governmental systems which focus far too exclusively on profit at the expense of the people, the flora and the fauna.

Historically, our society has placed profit above universal human rights as well as the well being and sustainability of the earth we live on and all lifeforms that inhabit it.

We believe that no one human being should be placed above another. We are all equal and need to be treated as such.

We as the 99 percent believe that major entities in the private sector have too much influence over our governments and our legislature. We seek to eliminate corporate personhood and their influence over government regulation and our politics.

We believe that there is too much destruction and corruption within these corporations, our economic systems and within our government, on a local, regional, national and global scale.

When the corporate and government record of abuses rival anything we can imagine, it is time to stand up and say, “Enough!” This is what we are doing.

We believe that all people are entitled to express their concerns on issues that affect humanity as a whole and to come up with solutions to fix the problems that our government has failed to address and correct.

The media seems to be focused on a singular demand. To this, we respond that there are multiple issues that need to be addressed and corrected and that they cannot be summed up in one singular demand. We believe that the people should and will, collectively, come together and make these demands.

We strive to build a world that is kinder, more compassionate, fair, responsible and above all, accountable.

We are proud to be a part of this organic work in progress.

Abstract Note

A large part of tonight’s meeting was taken up by the crafting and editing of the following statement from the Media Committee. It’s not a final draft in any way, we fully intend this to be an organic, working document, just as it states, which can grow and evolve as directed by the General Assembly. That being said, it’s also important to communicate our intentions sooner rather than later.

Access Date

2011-12-16 15:56:37






A Statement (in Progress) « Occupy Hamilton



Website Title

Occupy Hamilton

Website Type


Attachment Title

A Statement (in Progress) « Occupy Hamilton

Attachment URL




“A Statement (in Progress) « Occupy Hamilton,” Occupy Archive, accessed February 23, 2025, https://occupyarchive.org/items/show/2908.