Occupy Winnipeg
Occupy Winnipeg
Web Page
Facebook Community Page
Item Type
Web Page
Abstract Note
This open forum is dedicated to the free exchange of ideas, facts, and opinions on how we as a society are going to change the world for our childrens' children. We are all here to share posts, share information and share our mutual love and respect for each other and for the earth. People and the planet before profits! Welcome.
This is a moderated page committed to the principles of respectful communication and productivity. Offensive and abusive language is not welcome. Healthy debate is encouraged, but derogatory comments are not allowed. You can expect two warnings about your behavior before you are removed as a member of this page.
Please also respect the intent of posts in this forum and reserve your comments to reflect the content of the original post in the interests of preserving the participants ability to have their voice heard. If a member demonstrates that they inject their personal agenda in multiple posts that do not reflect the content of the original post it will addressed.
This is a moderated page committed to the principles of respectful communication and productivity. Offensive and abusive language is not welcome. Healthy debate is encouraged, but derogatory comments are not allowed. You can expect two warnings about your behavior before you are removed as a member of this page.
Please also respect the intent of posts in this forum and reserve your comments to reflect the content of the original post in the interests of preserving the participants ability to have their voice heard. If a member demonstrates that they inject their personal agenda in multiple posts that do not reflect the content of the original post it will addressed.
Access Date
2012-01-19 19:38:42
Occupy Winnipeg
Website Type
Facebook Community Page
Attachment Title
Occupy Winnipeg
Attachment URL
“Occupy Winnipeg,” Occupy Archive, accessed February 23, 2025, https://occupyarchive.org/items/show/3079.