Occupy Brownsville, Tx | Facebook


Occupy Brownsville, Tx | Facebook


Web Page

Item Type

Web Page

Abstract Note

To peacefully protest with the rest of the world against corruption and greed. Please work with us all and lets make the revolution heard.

Currently in the US, the top 1% of the population control the majority of the nation's wealth while the rest of the 99% struggle to get by. They have driven the US economy into the ground while benefiting from the US tax payer sponsored-bailout without any accountability to the public. Those corporate elite have driven the housing and jobs crises that have put so many Americans out of work and out of their homes. Abroad they drive Free Trade policy that has ruined local economies and driven poor people out of their country and to the US in search of a living. Inspired by the Occupy Wall Street protests that continue in NY, where what began as hundreds of out of work college graduates turned into thousands of protesters from all walks of life, Occupy Brownsville brings those same issues, as well as the Valley's unique set of challenges to the growing national movement. While no one set of demands are set forth, the growing occupy movement is progressing one No and many Yesses--One resounding No to corporate driven society and democracy, and increasing inequality in the US that is destroying both our communities and the earth. At the same time, our many Yesses advocate for freedom, liberty, equality, democracy, the protection of the earth and for the dignity of all its inhabitants.

If you are tired of the injustice of your government, congress, and banks, you are on the right page. This page is to inform the citizens of Brownsville, Tx. This page will link you to the 99% that is well aware of the corruption in our system. Stay tuned and please share.

Access Date

2011-10-31 15:39:44


Occupy Brownsville, Tx | Facebook



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Occupy Brownsville, Tx

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“Occupy Brownsville, Tx | Facebook,” Occupy Archive, accessed December 27, 2024, https://occupyarchive.org/items/show/572.