Occupy Calgary | BetterMeans | Organizing


Occupy Calgary | BetterMeans | Organizing


Web Page

Item Type

Web Page

Abstract Note

The purpose of this blog is awareness raising and having a space for dialogue with the greater public. My own vision of this is a palatable, reader friendly publication that brings the discussion to the public in a way that makes them WANT to read it and shows how this movement is also relevant to them.

Since the movement is about a mosaic of complex issues, there is a wide variety of things you can write about. People have raised issues ranging from government misspending, student debt and aboriginal rights to food production and community service on a local level. There is room for all that here! Let’s clarify our ideas and educate ourselves and others. Try to have fun with it too. This is an optimistic movement!
I know we have a number of writers out there, myself included. So let’s see if we can use our skills to get some real support.

If you would like to contribute please send your post to occupiedcalgaryfreepress@hotmail.com. Be warned. We WILL edit spelling and grammar or possibly suggest revisions for length.

If you want to be a regular contributor you will need a WordPress account. Once you have one send your request to be a contributor to the email above and include the email address linked to your WordPress account.

Here are some guidelines to consider when posting:

Send a positive message. Obviously we are here to shed light on problems, but this is all about the hope and the determination that the problems can be solved

Don’t be boring. We all have an axe to grind and plenty to say, but 2000 words about income disparity statistics is going to put the average reader to sleep. We want them to read it, so try to keep it fairly concise and as entertaining as possible.

Be intelligent, not intellectual. We are trying to bring this to as wide a range of people as possible. Activistspeak is all very well internally but sounds like a lot of irrelevant jargon to anybody else. So please present well thought out points in a way that the average reader can relate to.

Do your research. There is a lot of information available that isn’t presented by mainstream media. Part of our job here is to dig it up and bring it to light. Make sure your facts are straight.

Proofread and spell check. We will have editors working on the site that can help if spelling and punctuation aren’t your strong point.

Get writing! Let’s change the world!

Access Date

2011-10-27 13:18:27


Occupy Calgary | BetterMeans | Organizing



Attachment Title

Occupy Calgary - Overview - BetterMeans

Attachment URL





“Occupy Calgary | BetterMeans | Organizing,” Occupy Archive, accessed March 4, 2025, https://occupyarchive.org/items/show/597.