Occupy Chicago Day 8 - YouTube
Occupy Chicago Day 8 - YouTube
Spencer Chumbley
Video Recording
Spencer Chumbley
Item Type
Video Recording
Abstract Note
http://www.414wire.com - Milwaukee Independent Media
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Demonstrators in Chicago, Illinois have been protesting outside the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago for over a week. The protest has been inspired from actions taken by demonstrators in the Occupy Wall Street protest in New York City.
On La Salle and Jackson Blvd demonstrators have set up a mobile command center complete with donated food, water and a portable 'power station' to charge mobile devices and laptops outside the Federal Reserve Bank. As the evening grew closers to 7:00pm, the schedule time of the 'general assembly' meeting, the number of demonstrators grew significantly. Prior to the meeting a large critical numbering close to 1,000 blocked traffic on S. La Salle St in an action of solidarity with the Occupy Chicago protestors. The 'general assembly' meeting was later held at Millennium Park near Chicago's lakefront
Photos from the even can be seen here: http://www.demotix.com/news/852943/occupy-chicago-enters-8th-day-protest
The song playing is "Jump You Fuckers" by Gene Burnett. (The audio was recorded live from the street playing from someone's stereo) His website it available at. http://.www.GeneBurnett.com and http://www.youtube.com/user/GeneBurnett
Video was shot and edited by Spencer Chumbley (http://www.spencerchumbley.com) for the 414wire project (http://www.414wire.com) on a Nikon D7000 HD-DSLR. Other equipment: LCDVF Viewfinder, Rode Video Mic Pro, and Nikkor 70-200mm f2.8G lens.
Like this video? Flattr it http://flattr.com/thing/412509/Occupy-Chicago-Day-8
Demonstrators in Chicago, Illinois have been protesting outside the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago for over a week. The protest has been inspired from actions taken by demonstrators in the Occupy Wall Street protest in New York City.
On La Salle and Jackson Blvd demonstrators have set up a mobile command center complete with donated food, water and a portable 'power station' to charge mobile devices and laptops outside the Federal Reserve Bank. As the evening grew closers to 7:00pm, the schedule time of the 'general assembly' meeting, the number of demonstrators grew significantly. Prior to the meeting a large critical numbering close to 1,000 blocked traffic on S. La Salle St in an action of solidarity with the Occupy Chicago protestors. The 'general assembly' meeting was later held at Millennium Park near Chicago's lakefront
Photos from the even can be seen here: http://www.demotix.com/news/852943/occupy-chicago-enters-8th-day-protest
The song playing is "Jump You Fuckers" by Gene Burnett. (The audio was recorded live from the street playing from someone's stereo) His website it available at. http://.www.GeneBurnett.com and http://www.youtube.com/user/GeneBurnett
Video was shot and edited by Spencer Chumbley (http://www.spencerchumbley.com) for the 414wire project (http://www.414wire.com) on a Nikon D7000 HD-DSLR. Other equipment: LCDVF Viewfinder, Rode Video Mic Pro, and Nikkor 70-200mm f2.8G lens.
Access Date
2011-10-27 15:54:31
Running Time
Occupy Chicago Day 8 - YouTube
Video Recording Format
Attachment Title
Occupy Chicago Day 8 - YouTube
Attachment URL
Spencer Chumbley, “Occupy Chicago Day 8 - YouTube,” Occupy Archive, accessed March 28, 2025, https://occupyarchive.org/items/show/613.