Sleeping with the Cockroaches and other Fun Moments | Occupy Cleveland


Sleeping with the Cockroaches and other Fun Moments | Occupy Cleveland


Juggler Ted


Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 United States (CC BY-SA 3.0)


Blog Post


Juggler Ted

Item Type

Blog Post


Nothing can really sum up the experience of sleeping over night on the sidewalk in Cleveland better than playing hackeysack with a cockroach! It was Saturday night, October 8-9 and this little fucker jumped in the circle with us! I expected it to start doing tricks!

Other fun moments:

Sneaking into a hotel to use their bathroom at four in the morning. Getting neck massages from Scott Yerger. Juggling glow sticks! Telling a BBC reporter “We need a government of the people, by the people, and for the people instead of a government of the corporations, by the corporations, and for the people which is what we have.” Giving an apple to a passerby who wouldn’t come too close to the camp site. Sunday morning political discussion with the African-American McDonald’s manager who told ME that Obama is a con! Having the opportunity to make the point that the public school system is by and large an arm of the prison system. Dancing in public square! Friendly people coming around to ask questions and cars honking horns!! Meeting new people and making new friends! Teaching a six year old and an adult how to juggle! Meeting a guy named Frank who taught himself how to juggle! Eating meals with Food Not Bombs. Getting neck massages from Scott Yerger. Juggling in public square! Riding my bike around Cleveland. Carrying signs around Cleveland decrying the wealth disparity between the upper upper class and everybody else! Telling a BBC reporter that “The big banks are a part of the military-industrial complex.” Meeting people in real life who I only knew on Facebook! Skipping work and doing something more worth my time! Low flying sparrows and pigeons that practically shake your hand! Meeting Scott, Erin, Tim, Jada, Rae, Derek, Bobby, Katelin, Devin, Justine, Holly, Levi, Jacob, Randy, Adam, Andy, Scott, Bruce, Brian, Liberty, Christophe, Jamie, Bill, Squid, John, Jonathan, Chuck, Charles, Charlie, Sarah, Jason, Muneer, Salam, Jonny, Trista, Gus, Willow, Melissa, and all the others whose names I can’t remember!

Access Date

2011-10-21 17:31:26


Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 United States (CC BY-SA 3.0)


Sleeping with the Cockroaches and other Fun Moments | Occupy Cleveland


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Sleeping with the Cockroaches and other Fun Moments | Occupy Cleveland

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Juggler Ted, “Sleeping with the Cockroaches and other Fun Moments | Occupy Cleveland,” Occupy Archive, accessed March 31, 2025,