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"CNN Correspondent Kate Boulduan reports wrong Supreme Court Health Care Ruling, WFT?"
LazyEyeDude posted a photo: "CNN, Wolf Blitzer and Kate Boulduan returns Embarrassingly Correcting the initial report"
Tags: 99, 99percent, antiwallst, antiwallstreetprotest, everywhereoccupy, healthcare, moveon, occupyberkeley, occupycal, occupyeverywhere, occupyeverywherepics, occupyoakand, occupyoakland, occupyoaklandoccupywallst, occupypics, occupysf, occupytogether, occupytogetherorg, occupywallst, occupywallstorg, occupywallstreet, oo, ows, protestfordemocracy, takeourcountryback, thisiswhatdemocracylookslike, we99