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"Berkeley Mortgage Relief Plan has links to Occupy"
LazyEyeDude posted a photo: The Berkeley City Council plan is the first to gain impetus from the Occupy Movement of seizing mortgages in foreclosure by government's powers of eminent domain.
Tags: 99percent, acce, antiwallst, antiwallstreetprotest, everywhereoccupy, getthemoneyoutofpolitics, moveon, occupyberkeley, occupycal, occupyeverywhere, occupyeverywherepics, occupyoakand, occupyoakland, occupyoaklandoccupywallst, occupyoped, occupypics, occupysf, occupytogether, occupytogetherorg, occupyusa, occupywallst, occupywallstnyc, occupywallstorg, occupywallstreet, oo, ows, protestfordemocracy, realchange, takeourcountryback, the99movement, thisiswhatdemocracylookslike, usdayofrage, usrevolution, we, we99, wealloccupy, wearethe99, wearethe99percent